Sunday, January 2, 2011


Dear Journal,

Today is the second day of the new year. I am sitting here in my brother's room using his new laptop while he is killing zombies in Red Dead Redemption.

I haven't written in this blog since August.

The last entry described my internship at Special Olympics Orange County in Santa Ana. Since that last entry, I resigned from my internship (it lasted only a month) and accepted a full-time internship at Forumla PR in El Segundo. My reason for quitting was simply because I've always wanted to work at Formula and I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Did I mention it was paid too?

I spent September through December pitching, writing, researching, shipping, talking, laughing, and crying. One word to describe my internship: amazing. I can't help, but think what I could've done more of or less of. Or, maybe what I could have done better that would quite possibly change their mind and hire me on full-time. But they have their reasons and well, they already hired on one of the interns already. No room until they get more clients and somehow (in a perfect world) call me uo and say, "Stop interviewing. You're working for us now." I'm crossing my fingers on that dream.

For now, I am working part-time with open availability at American Eagle while applying and interviewing. It's a waiting game. So far, I will following up with a couple people this week to see where my application lies in their mind. Also, I have a phone interview with an agency out-of-state, which I'm very excited about. So, cross your fingers for that possibility.


Last night I finished the first season of How I met Your Mother and I realized something. If I had to choose a TV character that I can relate to the most, I would have to choose Robin. We both have an ambition to succeed in our specific industry (Robin - journalism, me - public relations), we're both not ready to settle down and looking for "casual" (it's however you want to interpret) and we both want to travel and see the world. The only difference is is that she's 27, living in her own apartment in NYC and she's Canadian. Me? I'm only 24, living at home and I'm American. Eh. Close enough.

Before watching HIMYM, the closest TV character that friends compared me to was Samantha from Sex and the City. Mainly because she was single, fabulous and works in PR. Yeah .... that's pretty much it. But she lives in NYC, so I'm thinking maybe NYC is my dream destination subconciously. Who knows?


Here's my last topic that I've brought up many times in this blog.

TOPIC: My "committment" to writing in this blog frequently.

I know that I can't committ to it. My laptop is somewhat broken at the moment. And I know that I don't have to write in this blog if I don't have to. I think I want to write in this blog because I want to make sure I'm always writing. My skills have been lacking lately and I think it's preventing me from getting a job, or least preventing people from giving me writing assignments. But, I'm not a bad writer. I just think I need to improve my writing skills.

Depending on what happens this month, I plan on enrolling in a certificate program at CSULB for Professional Meeting and Events Planning. I figured it would be beneficial for me and something to add to me resume.

Well, I must go. My brother is threatening to delete my information if I don't get of it here.

Tah tah for now.

Peace out,

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