Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Close Call

Last week, I started having pain in the middle of my back. At that time, I thought it was a huge bug bite and eventually it would go away.

Turns out it wasn't an innocent bug bite like I hoped.

Apparently I developed an infection in my back that if left untreated can lead to surgical removal. Thankfully, I caught it early enough to where all I need to do is take antibiotics for the next couple of weeks for the infection to go away (hopefully). As I'm writing this, I can feel the infection "pinching" my back and as I gently touch it, I feel the swelling. Its like I got bitten by the biggest bug in the world.

To leave this entry on a positive note ...

Last week, I went to four job interviews and received a glowing recommendation letter from one of the account executives from my former internship.

Cross your fingers for some good news this week.

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