Friday, January 7, 2011


It's the seventh day of the new year and I just landed 2.5 interviews for next week. The ".5" means I need to confirm an interview for next week. Aside from that, I have interviews next week! Woohoo! Thankfully, I'll land one of them.

A couple hours ago, I was anticipatingly waiting for an e-mail from an agency out-of-state for a 2-part writing test. Part one was editing a press release using AP Style and part two was drafting a press release announcing the re-branding of a restaurant. Part one was easy, but I do wish I had the AP Stylebook 2010 edition. Yes, that's the nerd talking. :) But drafting the press release was a bit difficult. I guess trying to edit the other press release and then having to draft a separate takes a toll on your brain. But its good practice when I do start my full-time job.

So here are the three interview I have next week:

Monday - Interview with a real estate company for a social coordinator / social media coordinator position
Tuesday - Interview with an agency for media relations specialist position
Thursday - Interview with a clothing company for a pr assistant position

Let's hope I land something!

Also, the real estate company wanted me to brainstorm ideas for Monday for the social coordinator part of the job - not too hard, but me going to San Diego for my cousin's birthday might be a little distracting. I'm sure I can get my cousins' input to get me started. :)

Well, that's it for now. I'm probably not going to add the "Dear Journal" greeting anymore. I don't know. Doesn't sound right to me and I've never done it with my previous blogs before, so why start now? Let's stay consistent. Ha ha.

Peace out. ^_^

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