Monday, January 24, 2011

It must be Monday ...

A typical morning involves rolling over to my right side, eyes half-opened reaching for my phone. As soon as the phone is in my hands, I immediately check my e-mails and any Facebook notifications I received throughout the night.

This morning started out a little...different.

After checking my e-mails, which consisted of the typical group e-mails from various LinkedIn groups and today's Groupon special, I was half a second away from deleting my first e-mail when I received THE E-MAIL.

Photo by thisisindexed
I received a reply from the Intern Coordinator from an agency I applied for last Friday. To sum it up, he said that he reviewed my resume and felt I would be a good candidate for the internship.

Right on.

After back-to-back e-mails, it seems the agency will be opening an Orange County office soon and are seeking a location at the moment. He asked if I would be willing to work out of that office.

Um, YES?!

This is my big chance. If I can land this internship and do a great job, who knows? I could get hired on and work in the Orange County office! *fingers crossed*

I have a phone interview in about three minutes, but I already scheduled an in-person interview with him next Monday!

Exciting stuff.

Here's the not-so-bad-but-not-so-good part of the situation: I was offered a contract job with the company I interviewed with two weeks ago. Apparently, they want to hire me for a four-week contract job helping them build a media kit to distribute their new mobile applications.

At first, I was excited until I spoke to the office manager/hiring manager about the original position I interviewed for (part-time PR/Marketing Assistant) which she proceeded to tell me that the head of the company did not discuss that with her.

So, everything is kind of in the dark with that one. Needless to say, I was still somewhat excited.

So, I have a dilmemna.

Who do I choose?

I asked a couple friends (three involved in PR and one who I just wanted to ask in general) and honestly? Two voted for the agency and the other two voted to check out both offers.

We'll see how it goes.

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