Saturday, January 22, 2011

You can't have your cake and eat it too.


Last night I went to Dave & Buster's with a friend from American Eagle. Joining us was the guy she was dating and his friend.

His friend has been asking about me since he saw me in some photos from Vegas on Facebook.

He's been asking about me since NOVEMBER.


Needless to say, he had his chance last night to talk me up and impress me.

You know what I got instead?

My friend: So, you like hockey? *nods her head really hard to make sure he says yes*

Him: Um .... yeah. I like THE KINGS.


Needless to say AGAIN, that conversation didn't go over so well.

Despite her many attempts to make him say that he likes the Anaheim Ducks too, I already knew the night was going to be awkward.

Because seriously?

You CAN'T like the Ducks AND the Kings.


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