Friday, January 21, 2011

young & restless

I feel like I'm missing something.

I feel like I'm something in my life.

I thought post-college life would be an easy transition from the hectic, busy schedule that I endured for the past three years, but no.

I miss it.

I miss the stress that went along with my busy schedule (is that bad?). But most of all, I miss being a part of something.

I had a conversation with my graphic artist friend about this and well, to sum it up, she said I must miss the "college life."

Do I?

Personally, I just miss being a part of PRSSA and all the events and internships I was involved in. Now that I've been a college grad for almost eight months and completed my AMAZING full-time internship at Formula, I'm back to working at American Eagle and job searching again.

Aside from the job searching, I'm looking into volunteer work. My first job was working as the weekend activities assistant at a convalescent home with my mom. Working with older patients gave me a sense of freedom and a great way to leanr about their lives and history. One patient was a little girl during WWII and was placed in a Japanese Internment Camp with her parents. Another patient actually worked at that same hospital almost 60 years ago. They both passed away already, but I hope to one day tell my grandkids about the cool people I've met, especially those two patients. RIP.

Anyways, I'm thinking of going back to Special Olympics Orange County and asking if they need PR volunteers. Volunteers instead of interns - mainly because I know I won't be able to committ a lot of days with them if it's more than two days. Also, it would be nice to see the staff again, especially the regional director.


One nifty thing I'm doing right now is helping my graphic artist friend plan her wedding.

Yep. Me. Helping. PLAN A WEDDING.


I dubbed myself part of the "wedding planning committee," to which my brother asked if there was anyone else in it besides me.


Yeah, he laughed in my face.

Even my graphic artist friend, whom I'm dubbing "Engaged Friend" now (for relevant wedding posts), said,"JOCELLE. We are JUST TWO GIRLS."

I LOL'd at that statement.

So, after she comes back from her business trip next weekend, we're going to sit down and figure what the heck she wants to do. They haven't confirmed a date, but she figured if we planned the other details then everything should fall into place.

We hope.


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