Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My first day - Challenges/Solutions

Yesterday was my first day at the SOOC. And I must admit, I didn't know what to expect. It didn't help I was in business casual attire versus the casual attire I was used to at my last internship. (Mind you, I don't mind wearing business casual clothing -- I wasn't feeling well yesterday.)

After a brief introduction with the Special Events & Programs Manager, the Regional Director typed up a list of tasks we briefly discussed last Friday. Priority tasks include proofreading a press release, creating a general media list, pitching the press release, etc. I wouldn't say it was overwhelming, but because this is in-house work and a nonprofit, I am facing a couple challenges.

Challenge #1:
No existing media contact database

At my last internship, if you wanted to find a media contact or publication, you went straight to CISION. Unfortunately, that is not the case. So, I did what anyone in my position would do - I researched online. Fortunately, I was familiar with the community newspapers in Orange County and now that I'm a little more familiar with Excel, I added frequency and circulation as a reference. Great tip: Ask to see who else used to intern with the organization, they might be helpful. Case in point, two friends from CSUF assisted with a campaign for SOOC and actually had a media list they used last semester. SCORE!

Challenge #2:
Press release writing/proofreading

I'm not saying I can't write a press release, but I do want to say that it will be a challenge for me because my previous internships did not involve a lot of writing. But this is a great opportunity for me use my AP Style book as well as go back to my previous assignments from PR Writing.

Challenge #3:
Lack of Communications Department

I was told the one thing the SOOC lacks is a communications department. I wasn't told WHY they didn't have one, but because they don't have one I am faced with the challenge of doing most tasks myself. I guess you can say, without the feedback and supervision from a communications director/manager, I may second guess myself. Though on the positive side, it provides me the chance to run a whole department independently.

We'll see how this turns out. I mean, it was only my first day.

1 comment:

  1. You will do just fine or better said, GREAT! First days are always tough and you weren't feeling great :( If you need anything just let me know.

    Best of luck,

    Tee Jay
