Friday, August 6, 2010

I got an internship!

I got it. I got (one of) the internship(s) I applied for. After a couple weeks of revamping my cover letter and resume over 10 times and then sending it out to directors, managers and human resources staff, I finally landed an internship I am proud to put on my resume.


I am the Communications Intern for the Special Olympics Southern California - Orange County Region.

Yee! It's great. This internship not only combines community relations and sports, but I have a chance to utilize my skills I've obtained in my previous internships.

Originally, I applied for the Regional Sports Management Internship that I found through the main website, but apparently, the Regional Sports Manager was looking to fill those spots for the Sports Management Grad students from CSULB. So, what does he do? He forwards my information to the Regional Director.

Moreover, the rest is history. The director e-mails me, tells me that with my background, helping them in communications with their "strategic goals and initiatives seems ideal." We e-mail back and forth, and finally, we set up an interview later in the week.

Well, I had my interview TODAY and I'm looking forward to helping out the organization with their events and programs, but mainly getting the word out. The funny part about this internship is how it flows with the other internships I applied/got.

My first internship was with the OC Fair and Event Center, which I applied via BeachLink, the Career Development Center's Job database. I applied and received a call setting up an interview and eventually getting the internship. My next internship was with Leader Enterprises, a sports marketing and public relations agency. I have already known about this agency for a year and a half when the VP came and spoke to our class about the different campaigns the agency worked on. A year and a half later, I handed my resume to one of the Senior Account Executives at Journalism Career Day and received a call later that day! Talk about great timing!

Anyways, this is a great start to a career in the sports/nonprofit field and I believe this will definitely help me land my future job at Major League Baseball in New York. :)

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