Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My first day - Challenges/Solutions

Yesterday was my first day at the SOOC. And I must admit, I didn't know what to expect. It didn't help I was in business casual attire versus the casual attire I was used to at my last internship. (Mind you, I don't mind wearing business casual clothing -- I wasn't feeling well yesterday.)

After a brief introduction with the Special Events & Programs Manager, the Regional Director typed up a list of tasks we briefly discussed last Friday. Priority tasks include proofreading a press release, creating a general media list, pitching the press release, etc. I wouldn't say it was overwhelming, but because this is in-house work and a nonprofit, I am facing a couple challenges.

Challenge #1:
No existing media contact database

At my last internship, if you wanted to find a media contact or publication, you went straight to CISION. Unfortunately, that is not the case. So, I did what anyone in my position would do - I researched online. Fortunately, I was familiar with the community newspapers in Orange County and now that I'm a little more familiar with Excel, I added frequency and circulation as a reference. Great tip: Ask to see who else used to intern with the organization, they might be helpful. Case in point, two friends from CSUF assisted with a campaign for SOOC and actually had a media list they used last semester. SCORE!

Challenge #2:
Press release writing/proofreading

I'm not saying I can't write a press release, but I do want to say that it will be a challenge for me because my previous internships did not involve a lot of writing. But this is a great opportunity for me use my AP Style book as well as go back to my previous assignments from PR Writing.

Challenge #3:
Lack of Communications Department

I was told the one thing the SOOC lacks is a communications department. I wasn't told WHY they didn't have one, but because they don't have one I am faced with the challenge of doing most tasks myself. I guess you can say, without the feedback and supervision from a communications director/manager, I may second guess myself. Though on the positive side, it provides me the chance to run a whole department independently.

We'll see how this turns out. I mean, it was only my first day.

Friday, August 6, 2010

I got an internship!

I got it. I got (one of) the internship(s) I applied for. After a couple weeks of revamping my cover letter and resume over 10 times and then sending it out to directors, managers and human resources staff, I finally landed an internship I am proud to put on my resume.


I am the Communications Intern for the Special Olympics Southern California - Orange County Region.

Yee! It's great. This internship not only combines community relations and sports, but I have a chance to utilize my skills I've obtained in my previous internships.

Originally, I applied for the Regional Sports Management Internship that I found through the main website, but apparently, the Regional Sports Manager was looking to fill those spots for the Sports Management Grad students from CSULB. So, what does he do? He forwards my information to the Regional Director.

Moreover, the rest is history. The director e-mails me, tells me that with my background, helping them in communications with their "strategic goals and initiatives seems ideal." We e-mail back and forth, and finally, we set up an interview later in the week.

Well, I had my interview TODAY and I'm looking forward to helping out the organization with their events and programs, but mainly getting the word out. The funny part about this internship is how it flows with the other internships I applied/got.

My first internship was with the OC Fair and Event Center, which I applied via BeachLink, the Career Development Center's Job database. I applied and received a call setting up an interview and eventually getting the internship. My next internship was with Leader Enterprises, a sports marketing and public relations agency. I have already known about this agency for a year and a half when the VP came and spoke to our class about the different campaigns the agency worked on. A year and a half later, I handed my resume to one of the Senior Account Executives at Journalism Career Day and received a call later that day! Talk about great timing!

Anyways, this is a great start to a career in the sports/nonprofit field and I believe this will definitely help me land my future job at Major League Baseball in New York. :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Job Hunting

Hello, hello!

Why, it's been a while since I've last blogged. Nothing exciting has happened that would result in my lack of blogging. More like pure laziness. Which, I do admit is not a sufficient excuse to not blog.

I've been distracting myself with online job applications for the past couple of days. As a recent college graduate, I had my fair share of relaxation and vacation time for the past two months and I have finally achieved that feeling that I usually get when I go from busy to lazy ...

I'm restless.

Don't get me wrong, I like the feeling of not having the responsibility of school, internships and leading an organization. But I love the feeling of being busy; knowing I have to wake up, get dressed and head to an office where I can handle the tasks that will shape my career. I really enjoy it.

I'm not a workaholic, by all means. It just that it gets a little redundant doing the same routine and not feeling like I accomplished anything.

As for the jobs I've been applying? Mostly sports-related. If anyone knows someone and/or an sports-related organization who is looking for a Communications/Marketing/Public Relations Coordinator/Assistant/whatever - please send them my way!


Photo found here

Friday, July 23, 2010

grace under pressure

I've been meaning to talk about this, but I was busy yesterday (Dad's birthday). On Wednesday afternoon, while driving to Buffalo Exchange, I was listening to the Angels/Yankees game on AM 830 KLAA. On the radio, Brett Gardner was at-bat and ending up getting ejected after arguing a strike. Clearly, as a baseball fan you wonder, "Who the heck are they going to pick to pinch-hit for Gardner?"

Send in Colin Curtis, of course.

photo credit
Now, here is some background info on Curtis. Curtis is a 25-year-old rookie from Issaquah, Wash., who was drafted in the fourth round out of Arizona State University by the New York Yankees. He was called up last month, and until Wednesday, had about 26 at-bats before pinch-hitting for Gardner.

Now, I must admit, this is definitely amazing, yet nerve racking for a rookie to pinch-hit on a 0-2 count with two men on base. How do you expect to keep calm under that much pressure? And mind you, it was a close game. I couldn't believe what I was hearing after his at-bat (more on that later).

After the game, I thought about how much pressure society puts on each indivdual. We all have our different ways on how to deal with such pressure. Whether the pressure is preparing for an interview, trying to figure what college to go to, or even what to eat for breakfast (okay, so maybe that last one isn't that stressful). But, as you can see, among veterans we are all rookies hoping to make that great first, second or third impression. We each have this desire to prove ourselves to others because A) we want to fit in or B) we don't want to be put in a certain category i.e. the incompetant category.

So, how do we deal with pressure?

There isn't a definite answer to this question. As I have mentioned above, each person has their own way of dealing with this. One thing I can say is to take a moment and look at the big picture. Take a couple breaths. Count to ten. And remember that it isn't the end of the world because you tried your hardest and sometimes the outcome isn't what you hope for.

Oh, by the way ....

Curtis ended up hitting a three-run homerun after working the count full and sealing a win for the Yankees.

Talk about grace under pressure.

They're here!!

A couple months ago, I ordered a pair of custom made Vans shoes. I had the opportunity to create anything I want; from the style of the shoes to the colors. And I have to admit, I couldn't really think of anything. I guess you can say I was a little distracted by the default colors and designs they had on the page. But as you will see in the following photos, I decided that if I was going to custom make a pair of shoes, it was going to be really special. And ..... VoilĂ ! I present to you, my custom made Oakland A's Vans shoes! Enjoy :)

*FYI: The colors are similar to the Oakland A's team colors and do not contain any logos on the shoes whatsoever.
This box has come a long way.

Tah-dah! My lovely shoes!

Aren't they beautiful?

I can't wait to start wearing them! :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Accepted, then REJECTED

I know this is late, but have any of you read the updated story in regards to Ilya Kovalchuk's 17-year, $102 million contract? The news broke out yesterday and before the announcement, some journalists were comparing Kovalchuk's long-awaited announcement to a certain NBA basketall player's decision. *cough* LeBron *cough*

Kovalchuk officially made the announcement at Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey earlier today. According to sources and an article on ESPN New York, while this may the longest contract in NHL history, the league "determined that it was illegal."

"The contract was rejected because years of low salary at the end of the contract were added for the sole purpose of lowering the cap hit. The person added that no side believes Kovalchuk will play the final years of the deal at those terms. The star forward was slated to earn only $550,000 in each of the last five seasons of the contract that was to run through the 2026-27 season, when Kovalchuk would be 44."

You can read the rest of the updated article here

Always seem to be a downside to big news like this. Hopefully, things will work out and Kovalchuk will be able to play for the New Jersey Devils this upcoming season.

Photo credit: CBCSports
Photo credit: NHL Snipers

So long, Sweet Lou

Currently watching: Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim v. New York Yankees

As a college graduate, you're programmed to want a job after college. Your parents have programmed it into your head, your professors, heck, even your friends are wondering why you haven't gotten a job yet. The feedback I've gotten from my friends about my need to get a real job have been mixed. Some friends are sympathetic and understand the situation, mainly because they graduated with the same major and are having the same difficulty trying find a job. Some friends have been not-so-sympathetic. Suggesting jobs in a different job sector that I don't want to be in.

Sorry, but just because a bank teller earns about $10/hr and you work about 20 hours/week doesn't mean I want to make a career out of it.

Sometimes, I wish I was an athlete - if you're talented and skilled enough to make it to the professional sports world, then you have no problem making a career out of it. Of course, there's the media attention, trying to stay healthy, making sure you (or your team) wins, etc. And then if you retire, whether health or experience is a factor, you have an opportunity to work in the business side of the sport. From what I've learned and read and watched, many former players do this.

Recently, Anaheim Ducks Captain Scott Niedermayer held a press conference at the Honda Center to announce his retirement from NHL. It's sad for fans, but come on, he played for 18 years. I think he deserves a break (purely my opinion, of course). But like I've mentioned previously, he will stay on as a consultant for the team.

One of the big headlines in the sports world is Lou Piniella announcing his retirement as Chicago Cubs Manager at the end of this season.

Here's the headline: Lou Piniella to retire as Cubs Manager

After 18 years in the major leagues and 22 years as a manager, Lou Pinella has made his presence in Major League Baseball a very colorful one. I remember his meltdowns when I first started watching baseball in 2002 (yeah, I know. I'll explain later), and how agressive he appeared. But you had to respect a manager whose only goal was to win, in particular, the World Series.

This is no word on whether he will stay with the Cubs to be a consultant, but until then we'll just have to wait and see.

 So long, Sweet Lou. Your antics will be missed (sorta).

Photo found here

Late Night Advice

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

It’s not who you know, but who knows you.

It’s not who knows you, but whom who you know knows,

And what who knows you knows about you!”

Monday, July 19, 2010

Waiting for the call

Like a Triple-A Minor Leaguer waiting for his chance to be called up to the big leagues, I'm (patiently) waiting for a response back to my e-mail I sent on Friday to a well-known sports team in the Southern California area.

Five minutes later ....

I don't know if I should have a sigh of relief, but I did receive a response back to my e-mail. Instead of the director e-mailing me back, the manager of the same department sent me an e-mail.

The e-mail went along like this... "(director of department) sent me your resume for consideration on the (soon-to-be-stated) position. I wanted to make sure that you applied for the position on Team Works. Our HR department will go through all of the resumes and choose a hand full they believe are good fits for the position, and then we will take it from there."

Okay, so that is a somewhat (okay, DIRECT) quote from the e-mail I received. Just in case, I took out the director's name and the name of the position. I didn't want to create any problems.

A friend of mine is also applying for a position at his dream sports team as well, and let's just say we're both crossing our fingers (and toes!) that we at least get an interview. I was always told by my Interviewing Theory and Techniques Professor that the goal is to get an interview. If your cover letter is well-written and states what YOU will do for the company, and your resume is beyond phenomenal, then you're pretty much a shoe-in for at least an interview.

Let's hope so.

Until then, I'm going to sitting here on my bed, reading the job description over and over again. Or, I might just go on the team's website and study the department again.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Changing faces

Tah-dah! Like the new background? I sure do. Blogger has a new function, where it has default background photos for your blog. Since I'm still working my way around this site, I decided I wanted to change it up and maintain my "sports theme."

Yes, I know I've mentioned previously that I wanted to go beyond baseball in my blog, but COME ON. It's baseball season, and besides ... I like it. Once baseball season is over (BOOHOO), I'll try to find a different background combining different sports. Or, maybe I'll just keep this .... blah, blah, blah.

Hope you enjoy!

A new beginning (sorta)

As usual, I've decided I wanted to "write" more in my blog. And as usual, this comes when I see other people posting links to their blogs on Facebook and/or Twitter.

So, here it goes...

As I was getting ready for church this morning, I got to thinking, "I should re-do my blog and have a sports theme." I really did think that statement. If you have previously read my blog, I changed the name from "Just call me Mika" to "For The Love Of The Game." Originally, I wanted to name it "Stealing Home," dedicated to my love for baseball and the fact that it was the current season, I wanted to go beyond just baseball. I mean, what if it was January and hockey season? Simply, baseball analogies aren't enough. So, that's when "For The Love Of The Game: My Life in Sports Terms" was born. I figured, what the hell? Why not just dedicate my (new-and-improved) blog and dedicate it to something I really love, SPORTS.

I feel like I'm repeating myself here. Bare with me, as I try to "blog" better.

I'm determine to start each blog entry with some sort of sports-related story, or a term, that will transition into my topic of that day. Let's hope.

So, just a quick rundown of what kind of sports fan I am. I'm a casual sports fan. I'm not hardcore; I don't know every players' name, I don't know their statistics, or where they use to play, or when they were drafted. Sometimes I don't know certain terms of a sport I love (baseball), but what I do know is sports give you a sense of appreciation. As a fan, you appreciate the hard work these players do to win and to keep healthy. Sometimes, players will do anything to win (in a good or bad way), and sometimes players do this because they love this game and they ENJOY it. My top sports are baseball and hockey. I am an Oakland A's and Anaheim Ducks fan. I live in Orange County, where you're either an Angels fan, or the next best thing, a Dodgers fan. I, on the other hand, have always been and proud to be an A's fan. NO, I'M NOT FROM THE BAY AREA. Sorry to disappoint you. But if there's one Orange County team I'm proud if, its the Ducks. Hockey is misunderstood and I must admit, its difficult at times to defend a sport that is widely popular in areas where it snows (my opinion, of course).

I hope this blog will be read, but in reality I just want something to write my thoughts and if I stray from a sports theme, or the subject is getting a little too personal, then WHATEVER.

As a sidenote: my previous entries are a little ambiguous, and readers are welcome to reading them and commenting on how lame I am. But, this is a new beginning, like I've stated. Here's to starting over again.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

All good things must come to an end

So much has happened since I've last blogged. I graduated, I finished my internship, I'm no longer PRSSA President and I broke up with my boyfriend. Yeah, the last one was actually the shocker, according to some people. But personally, after looking back, it seems to me that maybe it's good to end my college career on that note. Though the whole boyfriend "thing" only lasted like a month. lol.

I would like to think that my motivation to blog is kind of like a relationship -- it's very on-and-off. Maybe I have short attention span, or maybe, I'm just really lazy. As this is a personal blog, I'm not required to really write in it unless for some reason I was being graded on this, or someone is magically going to pay me for blogging. I do realize by blogging, it will help me in my career, which needs to start, like NOW.

Yesterday, my mom FINALLY told me I needed to get a "real" job. I've been researching and there are some jobs, that I feel I am qualified for, but the cover letter kills me. I'm not a fan and the only time I've written a cover letter was for a class. Either than that, I've never really written a cover letter for my last two internships. My resume, in my opinion, looks great by the way. Took me a couple hours at the computer lab at school to re-format and re-word everything.

Here's hoping I get the job(s).

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Selanne scored #601 versus Colorado Avalanche

It's been three months since my last post. Things have changed; friends come and go, I'm about to graduate from college, I'm looking for a job/internship, feelings have changed for the better (or worse).

I've been wondering if writing in this blog is even worth it. But ... it is comforting though. I like the sound of the keys. Reminds me of the airplane scene with George Clooney and Anna Kendrick in Up in the Air.

Ryan: "You mad at your computer?"

Natalie: "I type with purpose."

I don't feel the need to update much about my life right now. The most important things are: I'm graduating, I love my current internship, baseball season is coming up, I love the people I've met through my organization and I'm currently looking at possible summer internships and/or full-time PR jobs.


Is it possible to finally lose interests after four months? Techincally, I started losing interests after THREE months. Yeah. After a conversation with a friend, I don't feel so guilty anymore. I have to be realistic about things and sometimes people don't want to leave their comfort zones.


So, my best friend and I are going to start a really cool blog soon. Well, we've already came up with the name and made an account, but we're going to start it once this week is over. We haven't had the chance to start contributing to it since Sunday night. I'll let you know when we *officially* start it asap. :)


I must go. The game is on, and I have an article and a long overdue paper that needs to be done TONIGHT.