Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Job Hunting

Hello, hello!

Why, it's been a while since I've last blogged. Nothing exciting has happened that would result in my lack of blogging. More like pure laziness. Which, I do admit is not a sufficient excuse to not blog.

I've been distracting myself with online job applications for the past couple of days. As a recent college graduate, I had my fair share of relaxation and vacation time for the past two months and I have finally achieved that feeling that I usually get when I go from busy to lazy ...

I'm restless.

Don't get me wrong, I like the feeling of not having the responsibility of school, internships and leading an organization. But I love the feeling of being busy; knowing I have to wake up, get dressed and head to an office where I can handle the tasks that will shape my career. I really enjoy it.

I'm not a workaholic, by all means. It just that it gets a little redundant doing the same routine and not feeling like I accomplished anything.

As for the jobs I've been applying? Mostly sports-related. If anyone knows someone and/or an sports-related organization who is looking for a Communications/Marketing/Public Relations Coordinator/Assistant/whatever - please send them my way!


Photo found here

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling. I'm feeling very restless as well. I know things will begin to speed up in a great way. I have a feeling :-)
