Sunday, July 18, 2010

A new beginning (sorta)

As usual, I've decided I wanted to "write" more in my blog. And as usual, this comes when I see other people posting links to their blogs on Facebook and/or Twitter.

So, here it goes...

As I was getting ready for church this morning, I got to thinking, "I should re-do my blog and have a sports theme." I really did think that statement. If you have previously read my blog, I changed the name from "Just call me Mika" to "For The Love Of The Game." Originally, I wanted to name it "Stealing Home," dedicated to my love for baseball and the fact that it was the current season, I wanted to go beyond just baseball. I mean, what if it was January and hockey season? Simply, baseball analogies aren't enough. So, that's when "For The Love Of The Game: My Life in Sports Terms" was born. I figured, what the hell? Why not just dedicate my (new-and-improved) blog and dedicate it to something I really love, SPORTS.

I feel like I'm repeating myself here. Bare with me, as I try to "blog" better.

I'm determine to start each blog entry with some sort of sports-related story, or a term, that will transition into my topic of that day. Let's hope.

So, just a quick rundown of what kind of sports fan I am. I'm a casual sports fan. I'm not hardcore; I don't know every players' name, I don't know their statistics, or where they use to play, or when they were drafted. Sometimes I don't know certain terms of a sport I love (baseball), but what I do know is sports give you a sense of appreciation. As a fan, you appreciate the hard work these players do to win and to keep healthy. Sometimes, players will do anything to win (in a good or bad way), and sometimes players do this because they love this game and they ENJOY it. My top sports are baseball and hockey. I am an Oakland A's and Anaheim Ducks fan. I live in Orange County, where you're either an Angels fan, or the next best thing, a Dodgers fan. I, on the other hand, have always been and proud to be an A's fan. NO, I'M NOT FROM THE BAY AREA. Sorry to disappoint you. But if there's one Orange County team I'm proud if, its the Ducks. Hockey is misunderstood and I must admit, its difficult at times to defend a sport that is widely popular in areas where it snows (my opinion, of course).

I hope this blog will be read, but in reality I just want something to write my thoughts and if I stray from a sports theme, or the subject is getting a little too personal, then WHATEVER.

As a sidenote: my previous entries are a little ambiguous, and readers are welcome to reading them and commenting on how lame I am. But, this is a new beginning, like I've stated. Here's to starting over again.


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