Monday, July 19, 2010

Waiting for the call

Like a Triple-A Minor Leaguer waiting for his chance to be called up to the big leagues, I'm (patiently) waiting for a response back to my e-mail I sent on Friday to a well-known sports team in the Southern California area.

Five minutes later ....

I don't know if I should have a sigh of relief, but I did receive a response back to my e-mail. Instead of the director e-mailing me back, the manager of the same department sent me an e-mail.

The e-mail went along like this... "(director of department) sent me your resume for consideration on the (soon-to-be-stated) position. I wanted to make sure that you applied for the position on Team Works. Our HR department will go through all of the resumes and choose a hand full they believe are good fits for the position, and then we will take it from there."

Okay, so that is a somewhat (okay, DIRECT) quote from the e-mail I received. Just in case, I took out the director's name and the name of the position. I didn't want to create any problems.

A friend of mine is also applying for a position at his dream sports team as well, and let's just say we're both crossing our fingers (and toes!) that we at least get an interview. I was always told by my Interviewing Theory and Techniques Professor that the goal is to get an interview. If your cover letter is well-written and states what YOU will do for the company, and your resume is beyond phenomenal, then you're pretty much a shoe-in for at least an interview.

Let's hope so.

Until then, I'm going to sitting here on my bed, reading the job description over and over again. Or, I might just go on the team's website and study the department again.


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