Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It always sounds easier in my head.

Photo by warehousecomic
 So, I finally told the mobile applications company today.

Told them that I won't be coming into the office anymore because I was offered a full-time position with the agency.

Asked if it was possible to telecommute and continue working on some of the projects.

The hiring manager said she would discuss this with the founder.

I must say, I'm a little relieved.

Maybe because it's been on my shoulders for a bit and I felt there wasn't a good (appropriate) time to discuss this new situation.

But I knew eventually it had to happen since I was going to start working at the agency sometime soon.

Here's to halfway closing one door.


On another note, I was checking my RSS feeds when I came across a post on Zen Habits.

Written by Corey Allan of Simple Marriage, his post called, "Relationships are easy," was very straight to the point and reminded me of my engaged friend.

Whether you're married, engaged, in a relationship, or even, single, this is a post I'm sure most people can relate to.

I consider this the best part of the post:

How many times has something about your spouse’s behavior driven you crazy? Or how many heated discussions have come from your differences in beliefs?

The best way to combat this is found in this phrase: Rather than trying to adjust the wind, adjust your sails.

Focus on what you can control – and this begins and ends with you!

Simplify things in life so you can savor more of the goodness. This same idea can be applied to relationships.

And it starts by slowing down.

Photo by weheartit

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