Friday, February 4, 2011

Going to Spring past Winter

Photo by weheartit

I'm tired.

This week has worn me out, but has given me a preview of what's to come in the upcoming months.

Yesterday was my first day at the agency. I must admit, it was everything I expected if not more. I did the basic check off list:

  • Orientation with office manager
  • Fill out paperwork
  • Tour the building
  • Meet the executives
  • Learn how to use the software
  • Intern lunch with the executives
etc ...

I don't want to give too many details about future projects at the agency due to confidentiality mumbojumbo, but I'll be vague and describe basic things most internships involve.

I think the coolest thing about the agency is that I have my own card that I can swipe. I feel legit.


My second day (today) wasn't so bad. Arrived there earlier than I expected. On Fridays, I would arrive at Formula around 7:15-ish, yet at this agency I arrived at 7:45. Instead of staying in my car, I decided to go inside and check my personal e-mail before the actual workday started. And once 8:30 arrived, I went straight to work. My only assignment was to research opinion leaders. And it literally took a whole day to research. Thus, me being tired and ready to knock out (its 9:30pm which is considered early for me).

I'm looking forward to starting a full week here and meeting the other intern! It'll be nice to find person to confide in and tag team on assignments. I tried looking for her name on LinkedIn, but I wasn't sure if it was there or not. Stalker much? Nah, just research ;)


One thing I want to mention is the timing of everything. On Wednesday, the mobile applications company allowed me to be an independent contractor for them and telecommute working up to five hours each week. That's a plus. And last night, I received a LinkedIn connection invite from someone who works at an ad agency in Orange County. In his message, he said that his agency was looking for a community manager to work on social media projects for some of their well-known clients. Oh, and its sports-related.

And of course, I replied back to him. Come on ... you know me. Any opportunity presented to me deserves some sort of response (unless I don't remember applying and/or I don't understand your message via voicemail).

Chatted with him during lunch today and honestly told him that I just started at the agency and I won't be available until May unless he's willing to work with me as a freelancer or even possible just part-time. But part-time would depend on the days and times. Overall, I would say he liked me, mainly because I mentioned baseball and I just "went straight to the top of (his) list."

I'm amused.

This weekend, I'll be sending him some writing samples and hopefully he'll e-mail me next week. If not, he said to just e-mail him for an update. I checked out the agency's website and it's very appealing. Even Engaged Friend wanted to know if they were looking to hire a graphic designer. Lol.


One more thing ...

I got this last Saturday ...

Where there is will, there is way

Opened my fortune cookie to find TWO FORTUNES.


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