Sunday, February 6, 2011

artificial happiness.

Photo by
I feel like I haven't experienced a moment of relaxation all weekend.

Everything is go, go, go!!!

Oh, boy.

The one time I felt a slight bit of relaxation was when the Anaheim Ducks game was on tv yesterday afternoon.

Even then, I was still on the move; I ended up washing my bedsheets and comforter, cooked rice in the rice cooker for my parents, took a shower during intermission, and cooked (more like burnt) my green onion pancake (my mom buys it for me from the asian supermarket), all while debating whether I had enough time to drop off my dry cleaning before I head to American Eagle for my closing shift.

I'm waiting for a chance to just lay down (or even just sit down) and read a book or even just watch my dvds (I'm still in the middle of watching The Sopranos: Season Two, Episode Two).

Nevertheless, any sane person would suggest I relax when I get home from work, but no.

I ended up meeting Engaged Friend at BJ's in Laguna Hills for drinks and girl talk. Which leads me to my question:

Why do we fall in love in the first place?

Photo by weheartit

Lately, I've been lending my ear to a couple people in regards to their relationships.

Don't get me wrong; I'm NOT complaining, but after hearing some of their concerns ...

"She gets jealous when I talk to other girls.."

"He always blames for me for the littlest thing." 

Kind of makes a girl not want to establish a romantic relationship with any guy.

Aside from that, all of their concerns sum of one thing: the sudden shift in control.

It seems one party wants the upper hand in the relationship which makes the other party resent him (or her).

I'm trying to grasp the idea that that can actually happen. I always thought there was some sort of equality in a relationship, but apparently that doesn't exist. One person is always going to want to take control in the relationship whether the other person likes it or not.

But if you don't like it if I talk to this person, how come I'm not allowed to say you can't do the same thing?

No one wants to admit they're wrong.

Excuses, schexcuses.

So, does that mean instead of admitting that we're wrong, we're just going to let ourselves sit around and accept it just because we don't want to get into another meaningless "why the heck are we fighting?" argument.

Guess so.

Relationships are like the old-school game of telephone. At one end is the real message and as it gets passed along, eventually the original message comes out distorted to the last person.

Thus ...





So, you tell me ... why do we bother falling in love in the first place?

Video by KokoKaina

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