Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I have no patience for stupid people.

I take that back. I do have some patience for certain people, but when they do things that are so idiotic, you have no choice, but to wish them ill will.

Three nights ago, I found out a certain "friend," (and I use the term, "friend" very loosely) got pregnant. Usually, you have some sort of sympathy when a young woman gets knocked up and you want nothing more than to offer your help. But in this case, all I hope is luck for the future. There are some things you find out about a person that you wish you didn't know, but are relieved that you do. I prefer not to go into too much detail about this subject, for fear that someone might read it (lol) and tell her that I wrote about her situation. Trying to keep it as vague yet relatable as possible.

I'm not a fan of confrontation, but I don't mind taking the role as mediator. I prefer peace and harmony. Unfortunately, it's difficult to maintain those when all you want to do is kick someone in the face.

I may seem sweet and innocent, but watch out! A tiger might come out!


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