Monday, June 8, 2009

Nothing goes as planned

I dyed my hair today.

Scratch that.

I am dyeing my hair today. As in, right now.

I decided to slightly change my hair color because, frankly, I was sick of the ugly, old blond "Asian" highlights I received in OCTOBER and the old, dark brown color that is now halfway down my head. I've never mixed this many colors in my hair ever. Figure it was a good change, since this day turned out different than what it was supposed to be.

I was suppose to wake up at 7, I was suppose to go downstairs and see only my dad, I was suppose to be at Denny's at 9:45 the latest, I was suppose to go to the library and find any information for my research paper and I was suppose to start writing my paper.

Supposedly, I ended up taking a shower around 9:15, went downstairs and not only see my dad, but saw my mom as well. I arrived at Denny's before 10 and went straight to the library to only find out there were no books relevant to my subject and checked out Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead instead. Oh, and instead of focusing on writing my research paper, I am in the midst of dyeing my hair Dark Chocolate Brown.

I am so focused.


In my last post, I referred to Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged as part of my summer reading, but I decided I would attempt to read Fountainhead instead. Mostly, because a friend of mine read the book before attempting Atlas. Funny thing is, I've actually read the first 300 pages of Atlas Shrugged, but never actually got around to finishing the book.

So, I guess I have two books to read this summer. 700 pages of Fountainhead, 1069 pages of Atlas Shrugged.

Wish me luck.


I'm thinking of changing the way I approach things/situations/people. I've realized that maybe I should become more aggressive, be more consistent, be more......the person I should be.

But, who are we suppose to be? Can someone answer that for me?


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