Saturday, June 6, 2009

Theme song at the moment.

Lately, I've been obsessed with this song since it came out as a Single of the Week on iTunes.

You might've heard a clip of this song in the Nivea commercial.

I highly recommend this song, not because it's like every "love song." But because of the way he sings the lyrics - it makes you reminisce about the time you felt such deep feelings for that person, but were too afraid to tell them. Or, when you see someone in the corner of your eye and you can't help, but look twice. It's like that crush you have on your good friend, but you don't have the guts to reveal it to them, so you continue to have that hidden crush throughout your life. It ranges from crushes to falling head over heels over that certain someone.

If I had to recommend a song to be put on repeat on your iPod, this is definitely it.

Here's a pic of the band and some lyrics:

Because I've kept my heart under control

But lately, all this time its taken its toll

Said I tried to but I can't hold back what's deep in my soul

So darling please forgive me

I want you and you just have to know


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