Monday, June 8, 2009

Wanting versus needing

I got it! I got it!

I received the AE green linen pants I ordered online! Well, technically I ordered them through the store (free shipping!) *Hint, hint*

I'm excited, not only because I get 70 percent off the pants, but because I've been wanting these particular pair for so long. The downside? They're regular length. I tried ordering the short length (30-30.5), but they ran out so I ended up ordering the regular length (32.5-33). I'm planning on getting them hemmed.

So, you might be thinking, How the hell did she get 70 percent??

Well, the advantages of working at American Eagle or in retail, in general, are the DISCOUNTS. In the past, every season we are given an employee booklet which contained certain items for 50 percent off, i.e. T-shirts, jeans, or flips flops. Also, in the booklet they featured the current trend for that season.

This year, instead of offering certain items for 50 percent off, they began a new way of promoting the trends through their employees -- purchase an outfit (for that season) and get every item in that outfit for 70 percent off.

Great deal, right? Kinda.

There is fine print when it comes to the purchase of these items. Let's say, for example's sake, this outfit was available for 70 percent off:

The downside can be you had to get that particular shirt in that color rather than substitute for another T-shirt. Or, instead of purchasing red shorts, you were required to purchase the jean shorts instead. Recently, I found out that if you ended up not liking one item from your outfit and you wanted to return it, you had to return the whole outfit.

Fine print, eh?


In other related news...

I need to purchase this:

The cost? $51.95 (not including tax and the other stuff)

Arrgh! Really? I have to purchase some expensive charger, so then I can take pictures and such?! Bah...



In unrelated, but EXCITING news:

She's back! I missed my friend. Yay! I wish she got me the T-SHIRT. Muahaha! <3


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