Friday, May 29, 2009

waiting, wishing for you to STFU.

Friday - May 29th

As I am typing this, my professor is lecturing about the use of the library research ONLINE. For those who don't remember the good old days, library research used to involve actually going to the library.

A part of me reminisces those days of going to the library days before, walking down the aisle to find the book and spending you last couple of dimes xeroxing your article. Ah, those days..

Realistically, evverything is online now. You can find most articles you need online, especially through you campus library. Very convenient, I must say.

Now, we're discussing our research topics for my class. Im thinking about writing a paper on the toll roads. Personally, I think having toll roads are convenient, especially when you leave your house too late and it takes about 45 minutes to get to school. The life of a commuter is never boring.

*Blog post interrupted by the feeling of freedom, basically, class ended*


Monday, June 1st

June Gloom. Why is it I wake up expecting sunshine through my window and all I get is dreary, cloudy day. Sun, where are you?

In my previous entry located above, I had the pleasure to experience such a horrendous annoyance that made me want to pull out my hair and scream bloody murder. How does one person become such an annoyance that that person delays the lecture by 30 minutes? I would like to say that everyone, even the professor is wondering the same thing.

We don't care that you're trying to make a point, we don't care that you think the Los Angeles Times view themselves as more regional than national, we just.don' PERIOD.

I do respect the fact that this person is particpates and it does lead into interesting and thought-provoking conversation, but it gets out of hand when everyone is wondering when we're going to have a break. Unfortunately, we sit in a circle with our desks, so it's difficult for me to stand up and walk across the room without being the center of interruption.

Oh the joys of summer session.

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