Thursday, May 28, 2009

My best thinking..

Usually, I do my best thinking in the shower, but today I decided to do my best thinking while I was at my job. Where do I work, you may ask? Why, I work at American Eagle, of course. The idea of starting a blog was just that - an idea. I had no idea that I was going to end up creating this blog until about 20 minutes ago. I wanted to create a blog to put my thoughts, ideas and anything relating to AE onto a site that I knew I would frequent. Believe or not, I am not the most tech-savvy, but many people like to think so. I may frequent the social networking sites, such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, but that doesn't mean I'm a freakin' genius. Though, I like people to think I am. ^__^

But as I mentioned above, I am a Sales Associate at American Eagle Outfitters, American Eagle or AE, for short. *Tangent* If there are any grammar errors in this blog, please excuse me. I am attempting to strengthen my skills in writing, which means there may be a an error or two in each entry. Once again, I apologize. Don't bug out on me, mmkay?

Let's try this again: I've been a Sales Associate at AE for about two and a half years now. You'd think I'd be a key holder or something for being there so long, but due to school and other various activities that I'm involved in, my availability is not exactly the best. But one thing is for sure, no matter how unavailable I am, I ALWAYS get my hours. Teehee.

Just to make this as simple as possible, this blog will be a test. A test to see how long I can keep a blog about something I know. I am attempting to write in this at least once a day or at least have a entry after every shift. I figure stories about the day in the life of an AE employee may be something of interest to some, or maybe not. Who knows?

I need to sleep. I shall talk about what happened earlier tonight tomorrow.


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