Monday, February 28, 2011

quotable quotes

Photo by Riverside Press-Enterprise

"I know I’ve got many other roles on this team besides scoring goals. If this team was counting on me scoring goals, we wouldn't have gone very far. That being said, I would have liked to have more than this first one tonght. The bottom line is it’s about wins this time of the year. It’s not about how many goals or assists I get. It’s about winning hockey games, getting into the playoffs and see how far it takes you."

Find article about Marchant's goal here

a birthday greeting

Happy birthday to the coolest person I know! I miss you, Jessica!
See you in two weeks! <3

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Visual interpretations of our gramatically challenged conversations.

We're so badass.

Gramatically challenged

Photo by adelaandtessie

Engaged Friend and I have a lot, I mean A LOT, of funny conversations.

Funny conversations that result in gramatically incorrect sentences that I would like to share with you.

Tentatively, I dub this:

Funny things we say when we're sober

  • "I so sober."
  • "I want marry them."
  • "Glar."
  • "That's be good."

That's all I have right now. I will update this whenever I can because our conversations are priceless. Teehee.

Oh, snap "El Toro Y" - Holla!

How funny.

List of things to see in Southern California from a Simpsons' episode.

Original post found here.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hockey Weekend

Photo by USA Hockey

It's Hockey Weekend! WOOHOO!

And...NBA All-Star Weekend too, but that's not the point.

The point is, is that it's hockey weekend! WOOHOO!

According to the USA Hockey website...

"The effort is aimed at two major objectives with a weekend of events at the local and national level to promote hockey."


1. To celebrate our game and all involved in the sport throughout the nation using all means possible.

2. Provide opportunities for those who haven't played hockey to try it, resulting ultimately in more people playing our game at all levels.

So, go to a hockey game (whether professional or local) or go to your local skating rink and celebrate Hockey Weekend!

Oh, and go Ducks! :)

all photos belong to me :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

happy heart day.

This Valentine's Day, I wish you all happiness and love.

Single or in a relationship ...

 Whether you receive V-day cookies ...

 or chocolate ....

 or a crate full of your favorite pink roses ...

 or even a simple text of love ...

or maybe a simple, sad love song ....

Either way, take this time to love the person you love ...




all photos by weheartit

up, up and away

Photo by weheartit

Guess who's moving into the new Orange County office tomorrow?!

Me! Duh...

I'm escatic about this opportunity. First I'm interning for one of the biggest agencies in the world, but now I'm going to be the FIRST intern at their brand-new office!


Can we say perfect timing?!

Okay. I'll try to limit the "?!," but I can't help myself.

I already completed my first full week there and I'm starting to get a hang of everything.

I'm determined to make this into a permanent position, or at least, take advantage of the opportunity of interning for the agency.

Either way, there is no way I would've believed someone if they told me in college I would someday work for this agency.

No. Freaking. Way.

I'm a believer now.

But before I can go into the office, I'll be working from home for a couple hours.

Photo by weheartit
 Oh, yes. That never happens.

Love it.

Well, time for bed.

Despite being home for the first couple of hours of my workday, I still feel obligated to wake up a tad bit early to get a headstart on my daily tasks.

Tah, Tah for now.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

a letter to my favorite store.

Photo by weheartit

Dearest American Eagle,

The next time you schedule an overnight floorset, remind yourselves that doing both men's AND women's in six hours is not productive.

I started working at 7 p.m. on Saturday night ... I came home at 7:30 a.m. Sunday morning.


Oh, and thanks for scheduling me to close tonight. The couple hours of sleep helps.


Your favorite employee,

Jocelle <3

Saturday, February 12, 2011

the baby is turning 21!

Last night I went to my friend Christina's 21st birthday shindig. We went to BJ's for dinner and then headed down to Hurricane's in HB.

Quote of the night: "That was awkward."

The AE kids reunited! Karen, me, Pam and Christina
Representin' (and they won!)
This is her default photo on Facebook, so I felt obligated to add this. Haha. Oh, and I asked her if she wanted to dance in the middle of these random guys dancing. ;)
The girls + new friend, Alaina

Adios muthaf*cker.


*all photos taken from Christina's album. teehee.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Goal #2 (in two parts)

Part 1: My goal is to visit every hockey arena and attend one home game.

Photo by theagoristsharbor

Part 2: My goal is to visit every ballpark and attend one home game.

Photo by timmonsmacklin

Check out Goal #1.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

artificial happiness.

Photo by
I feel like I haven't experienced a moment of relaxation all weekend.

Everything is go, go, go!!!

Oh, boy.

The one time I felt a slight bit of relaxation was when the Anaheim Ducks game was on tv yesterday afternoon.

Even then, I was still on the move; I ended up washing my bedsheets and comforter, cooked rice in the rice cooker for my parents, took a shower during intermission, and cooked (more like burnt) my green onion pancake (my mom buys it for me from the asian supermarket), all while debating whether I had enough time to drop off my dry cleaning before I head to American Eagle for my closing shift.

I'm waiting for a chance to just lay down (or even just sit down) and read a book or even just watch my dvds (I'm still in the middle of watching The Sopranos: Season Two, Episode Two).

Nevertheless, any sane person would suggest I relax when I get home from work, but no.

I ended up meeting Engaged Friend at BJ's in Laguna Hills for drinks and girl talk. Which leads me to my question:

Why do we fall in love in the first place?

Photo by weheartit

Lately, I've been lending my ear to a couple people in regards to their relationships.

Don't get me wrong; I'm NOT complaining, but after hearing some of their concerns ...

"She gets jealous when I talk to other girls.."

"He always blames for me for the littlest thing." 

Kind of makes a girl not want to establish a romantic relationship with any guy.

Aside from that, all of their concerns sum of one thing: the sudden shift in control.

It seems one party wants the upper hand in the relationship which makes the other party resent him (or her).

I'm trying to grasp the idea that that can actually happen. I always thought there was some sort of equality in a relationship, but apparently that doesn't exist. One person is always going to want to take control in the relationship whether the other person likes it or not.

But if you don't like it if I talk to this person, how come I'm not allowed to say you can't do the same thing?

No one wants to admit they're wrong.

Excuses, schexcuses.

So, does that mean instead of admitting that we're wrong, we're just going to let ourselves sit around and accept it just because we don't want to get into another meaningless "why the heck are we fighting?" argument.

Guess so.

Relationships are like the old-school game of telephone. At one end is the real message and as it gets passed along, eventually the original message comes out distorted to the last person.

Thus ...





So, you tell me ... why do we bother falling in love in the first place?

Video by KokoKaina

Friday, February 4, 2011

Going to Spring past Winter

Photo by weheartit

I'm tired.

This week has worn me out, but has given me a preview of what's to come in the upcoming months.

Yesterday was my first day at the agency. I must admit, it was everything I expected if not more. I did the basic check off list:

  • Orientation with office manager
  • Fill out paperwork
  • Tour the building
  • Meet the executives
  • Learn how to use the software
  • Intern lunch with the executives
etc ...

I don't want to give too many details about future projects at the agency due to confidentiality mumbojumbo, but I'll be vague and describe basic things most internships involve.

I think the coolest thing about the agency is that I have my own card that I can swipe. I feel legit.


My second day (today) wasn't so bad. Arrived there earlier than I expected. On Fridays, I would arrive at Formula around 7:15-ish, yet at this agency I arrived at 7:45. Instead of staying in my car, I decided to go inside and check my personal e-mail before the actual workday started. And once 8:30 arrived, I went straight to work. My only assignment was to research opinion leaders. And it literally took a whole day to research. Thus, me being tired and ready to knock out (its 9:30pm which is considered early for me).

I'm looking forward to starting a full week here and meeting the other intern! It'll be nice to find person to confide in and tag team on assignments. I tried looking for her name on LinkedIn, but I wasn't sure if it was there or not. Stalker much? Nah, just research ;)


One thing I want to mention is the timing of everything. On Wednesday, the mobile applications company allowed me to be an independent contractor for them and telecommute working up to five hours each week. That's a plus. And last night, I received a LinkedIn connection invite from someone who works at an ad agency in Orange County. In his message, he said that his agency was looking for a community manager to work on social media projects for some of their well-known clients. Oh, and its sports-related.

And of course, I replied back to him. Come on ... you know me. Any opportunity presented to me deserves some sort of response (unless I don't remember applying and/or I don't understand your message via voicemail).

Chatted with him during lunch today and honestly told him that I just started at the agency and I won't be available until May unless he's willing to work with me as a freelancer or even possible just part-time. But part-time would depend on the days and times. Overall, I would say he liked me, mainly because I mentioned baseball and I just "went straight to the top of (his) list."

I'm amused.

This weekend, I'll be sending him some writing samples and hopefully he'll e-mail me next week. If not, he said to just e-mail him for an update. I checked out the agency's website and it's very appealing. Even Engaged Friend wanted to know if they were looking to hire a graphic designer. Lol.


One more thing ...

I got this last Saturday ...

Where there is will, there is way

Opened my fortune cookie to find TWO FORTUNES.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It always sounds easier in my head.

Photo by warehousecomic
 So, I finally told the mobile applications company today.

Told them that I won't be coming into the office anymore because I was offered a full-time position with the agency.

Asked if it was possible to telecommute and continue working on some of the projects.

The hiring manager said she would discuss this with the founder.

I must say, I'm a little relieved.

Maybe because it's been on my shoulders for a bit and I felt there wasn't a good (appropriate) time to discuss this new situation.

But I knew eventually it had to happen since I was going to start working at the agency sometime soon.

Here's to halfway closing one door.


On another note, I was checking my RSS feeds when I came across a post on Zen Habits.

Written by Corey Allan of Simple Marriage, his post called, "Relationships are easy," was very straight to the point and reminded me of my engaged friend.

Whether you're married, engaged, in a relationship, or even, single, this is a post I'm sure most people can relate to.

I consider this the best part of the post:

How many times has something about your spouse’s behavior driven you crazy? Or how many heated discussions have come from your differences in beliefs?

The best way to combat this is found in this phrase: Rather than trying to adjust the wind, adjust your sails.

Focus on what you can control – and this begins and ends with you!

Simplify things in life so you can savor more of the goodness. This same idea can be applied to relationships.

And it starts by slowing down.

Photo by weheartit