Monday, June 29, 2009

tomorrow, tomorrow

originally uploaded by nnneller.

Lately, it's been up and down when it comes to the opposite sex. Don't get me wrong, I like to think I know enough to not get my heart broken, but sometimes certain guys just rub me the wrong way (no dirty joke here, folks). *sigh* Why must I receive random texts from you and then in the end what is it really worth?

On the bright side..

I will be flying out to Honolulu, HI for a week. Finally the vacation I've been looking forward to since last month. I'm excited for laying on the beach, visiting Pearl Harbor and celebrating Fourth of July! Pictures are going to be phenomenal.

See you in a week! <3

Monday, June 22, 2009

f*ck off.

What a way to end the day.

Why can't I do the things I want to do? So, in order for me to do the things I want to do I have to ask permission. I'm a grown-ass woman. Don't you understand that?

I can't take this right now. I'm too pissed off. Please refrain from pissing me off even more.

I want this month over NOW.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Not a damn thing.

This week has SUCKED.

Maybe not SUCKED per se, but it really had its ups and downs. More downs, unfortunately.

All I can say is, please fuck off and die. I've realized I don't need you in my life and if you really cared, you would've said something. Thanks for NOTHING.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I must say...

you have the WORST timing ever. Why is it that EVERYTIME things are going undisturbed, you come back and disrupt it. Not only that, when things are rolling something else happens.

"It's not meant to be."

Maybe so, maaaaaaaaaaaybe so.

courtesy of

Sunday, June 14, 2009


"You aren't going to be her first, her last, or her only. She's loved before, she will love again, but if she loves you now what else matters? She's not perfect. You aren't either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if she can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and admits to being human and making mistakes, hold on to her and give her the most you can. She isn't going to quote poetry, she's not thinking about you every moment, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you could break. Don't hurt her, don't change her, don't expect more than she can give. Don't analyze. Smile when she makes you happy, yell when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there. Love hard when there is love to be had."-anonymous

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I may need to go on a diet now..

Best Web site ever.

Great Web site, here are a few photos that I came across. They don't look too disgusting, do they?

Mmmm, ice cream cupcakes

In N Out's Animal-style fries!!

Chicken and Waffles. Haven't tried them yet.

Deep fried grilled cheese sandwich. Okay, this may be the winner.

I love food regardless.
Check out the site, it's amazing.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Nothing goes as planned

I dyed my hair today.

Scratch that.

I am dyeing my hair today. As in, right now.

I decided to slightly change my hair color because, frankly, I was sick of the ugly, old blond "Asian" highlights I received in OCTOBER and the old, dark brown color that is now halfway down my head. I've never mixed this many colors in my hair ever. Figure it was a good change, since this day turned out different than what it was supposed to be.

I was suppose to wake up at 7, I was suppose to go downstairs and see only my dad, I was suppose to be at Denny's at 9:45 the latest, I was suppose to go to the library and find any information for my research paper and I was suppose to start writing my paper.

Supposedly, I ended up taking a shower around 9:15, went downstairs and not only see my dad, but saw my mom as well. I arrived at Denny's before 10 and went straight to the library to only find out there were no books relevant to my subject and checked out Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead instead. Oh, and instead of focusing on writing my research paper, I am in the midst of dyeing my hair Dark Chocolate Brown.

I am so focused.


In my last post, I referred to Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged as part of my summer reading, but I decided I would attempt to read Fountainhead instead. Mostly, because a friend of mine read the book before attempting Atlas. Funny thing is, I've actually read the first 300 pages of Atlas Shrugged, but never actually got around to finishing the book.

So, I guess I have two books to read this summer. 700 pages of Fountainhead, 1069 pages of Atlas Shrugged.

Wish me luck.


I'm thinking of changing the way I approach things/situations/people. I've realized that maybe I should become more aggressive, be more consistent, be more......the person I should be.

But, who are we suppose to be? Can someone answer that for me?


Summer Reading

Who is John Galt?

Wanting versus needing

I got it! I got it!

I received the AE green linen pants I ordered online! Well, technically I ordered them through the store (free shipping!) *Hint, hint*

I'm excited, not only because I get 70 percent off the pants, but because I've been wanting these particular pair for so long. The downside? They're regular length. I tried ordering the short length (30-30.5), but they ran out so I ended up ordering the regular length (32.5-33). I'm planning on getting them hemmed.

So, you might be thinking, How the hell did she get 70 percent??

Well, the advantages of working at American Eagle or in retail, in general, are the DISCOUNTS. In the past, every season we are given an employee booklet which contained certain items for 50 percent off, i.e. T-shirts, jeans, or flips flops. Also, in the booklet they featured the current trend for that season.

This year, instead of offering certain items for 50 percent off, they began a new way of promoting the trends through their employees -- purchase an outfit (for that season) and get every item in that outfit for 70 percent off.

Great deal, right? Kinda.

There is fine print when it comes to the purchase of these items. Let's say, for example's sake, this outfit was available for 70 percent off:

The downside can be you had to get that particular shirt in that color rather than substitute for another T-shirt. Or, instead of purchasing red shorts, you were required to purchase the jean shorts instead. Recently, I found out that if you ended up not liking one item from your outfit and you wanted to return it, you had to return the whole outfit.

Fine print, eh?


In other related news...

I need to purchase this:

The cost? $51.95 (not including tax and the other stuff)

Arrgh! Really? I have to purchase some expensive charger, so then I can take pictures and such?! Bah...



In unrelated, but EXCITING news:

She's back! I missed my friend. Yay! I wish she got me the T-SHIRT. Muahaha! <3


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Photos! I know, I know. So lame. I was inspired by A Cup Of Jo and Lena Corwin to post long awaited photographs I took two weeks ago. I used my mom's camera because I lost the charger to my camera in my room. Hmmm, I should check under my bed...

Friends and Family at the college graduation

Yay, they graduated. Who am I seeing next semester?

Time to return that gown....darn this economy

my brother's high school graduation cord...

superlative ^__^

Random photos I found on my mom's camera...

just what I needed - winter reading (Christmas 2008)

Small World has never looked this beautiful

my sad attempt at being cool....

Theme song at the moment.

Lately, I've been obsessed with this song since it came out as a Single of the Week on iTunes.

You might've heard a clip of this song in the Nivea commercial.

I highly recommend this song, not because it's like every "love song." But because of the way he sings the lyrics - it makes you reminisce about the time you felt such deep feelings for that person, but were too afraid to tell them. Or, when you see someone in the corner of your eye and you can't help, but look twice. It's like that crush you have on your good friend, but you don't have the guts to reveal it to them, so you continue to have that hidden crush throughout your life. It ranges from crushes to falling head over heels over that certain someone.

If I had to recommend a song to be put on repeat on your iPod, this is definitely it.

Here's a pic of the band and some lyrics:

Because I've kept my heart under control

But lately, all this time its taken its toll

Said I tried to but I can't hold back what's deep in my soul

So darling please forgive me

I want you and you just have to know


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I have no patience for stupid people.

I take that back. I do have some patience for certain people, but when they do things that are so idiotic, you have no choice, but to wish them ill will.

Three nights ago, I found out a certain "friend," (and I use the term, "friend" very loosely) got pregnant. Usually, you have some sort of sympathy when a young woman gets knocked up and you want nothing more than to offer your help. But in this case, all I hope is luck for the future. There are some things you find out about a person that you wish you didn't know, but are relieved that you do. I prefer not to go into too much detail about this subject, for fear that someone might read it (lol) and tell her that I wrote about her situation. Trying to keep it as vague yet relatable as possible.

I'm not a fan of confrontation, but I don't mind taking the role as mediator. I prefer peace and harmony. Unfortunately, it's difficult to maintain those when all you want to do is kick someone in the face.

I may seem sweet and innocent, but watch out! A tiger might come out!
