Saturday, October 3, 2009

i heart beignets

Yesterday morning, instead of sleeping in after a stressful week of school, I went to Brandon's house for breakfast. It turned out that he wanted to make beignets for breakfast along with this bacon and spinach egg scramble.
Can we say yum?
It took about an hour and a half cooking the food, techincally I watched and helped a bit whereas Brandon, chef extraordinaire, cooked mostly.
(I just took pictures)
Speaking of pictures, originally I brought my camera, but when I tried turning it on, I realized the camera hasn't been charged in a while. So, I borrowed Brandon's camera in hopes of making a mini food blog post.
(Pictures to come later, when Brandon eventually e-mails them to me)
So, here is a preview of what we ate, or at least the beignets.

The mix I bought him when I went to New Orleans for a conference. He was beyond excited and I must say, it's probably the best birthday present I've ever given him since I did leave for NOLA on his birthday.

Delicious and filling.
WARNING: try not to eat before the actual breakfast cooking process is done. I had about three before we finished cooking the rest of the beignets and bacon and spinach egg scramble.

top photo via google images, bottom photo via google images

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