Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wasn't meant to be

I'm reminded of a song that I found on the Internet radio,

It's called, "Not Meant To Be" by Theory Of A Deadman. The title speaks for itself, it's about two people in a relationship that simply didn't work out. As much as you try to fix the problems, they don't go away. They, whoever "they" may be, say that "it takes two to tango."

It takes two to solve a relationship problem. It takes two people to fall in love, two to work on staying in love, but only one to fall out of love. The last part is the most confusing. How does one fall out of love just like that? How does one person decide that this relationship is not enough or too much for them?

Can someone explain that to me?


On the same note, September has been unofficially declared "Break-up/Limbo" month. Not only have I indirectly witnessed a couple of break-ups involving friends of mine, but I've noticed a lot of other friends are what I would like to call, "Limbo."

I use "limbo" as a term for not knowing where you stand in a relationship. Several friends of mine are at a crossroad with another person. There are only two options they can choose from: stay or go.

Of course there are many factors that delay them from making such a drastic decision.

"I care about her, but..."
"We're always together, but he treats me like he doesn't want me half the time...."
"I act more single, but we've been in this for so long, I can't leave her..."

etc, etc...

Get it?

Judging from my last post, I would associate myself in the limbo category too. Though, I am close to making a decision soon. I'm hoping this week will open my eyes and help me move on with my life.

I'm concerned with my friends though. I'm hoping happiness will arrive and we won't have to deal with it anymore.

Seems like fall is the end of summer love...

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