Wednesday, September 30, 2009

just another halo victory

I know this is late, but...
Congrats to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim for clinching the AL West Division!
I wish I had tickets. (Hint, Hint)

declaration of blogging

This is my declaration.

I shall write in this blog, or attempt to, everyday.

I'm sure I mentioned a similar declaration when I first started this blog, but really...

What's the point of this blog, if I don't write in it everyday? Or, at least every other day.

So, that is my declaration.

Wish me luck.

Oh, and yes..this entry counts as day one.

And yes, that is cheating.

But, hey! Who said when it was going to start. ;]

Btw, I am still in the library.



ps. remind me to never go to the library with my brother, I think he's becoming delusional.

Poor kid.

Someone should've warn him the dangers of college. ;P

library session.

I'm in the library with my brother right now.
I'm "attempting" to study....
English Grammar homework FTW?
I'd rather be doing this instead...
Save me?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

grad school?

Recently, I've been contemplating Grad School. It's been lingering in my mind for quite a while and I'm 80 percent sure I want to pursue it. What kind of program would a would-be Bachelor's degree in Journalism with an option in Public Relations want to get into?
Now, some people might look at me and think, "This girl likes sports?"
I get that alot. Probably because they've never really seen me play sports, (and I am a bit athletically-challenged) but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate it! In all honesty, my goal is to pursue a career in baseball. Preferably, working at Major League Baseball in New York or for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (though they'll always be Anaheim Angels to me), or the Oakland Athletics.
I was walking to my English Grammar class when I noticed there were tables spread across the lawn. Turns out it was a Grad School fair. I stopped by the University of San Francisco and Cal State Long Beach tables to check out their Sports Mangement programs. They seem legit. And by stopping at the table and chatting with the representatives, I felt like I could see myself in this program. So. I provided my e-mail and name and hopefully I'll attend the information meetings soon.
What do you think of me going to Grad School? Yay or nay?

Wouldn't it be lovely if I went to school in San Francisco? Look at that architecture. And I love the city.

But then again, I wouldn't mind being near home. And I do prefer Southern California sports teams with the exception of the Oakland Athletics. <3

On another note, I'm munching on these.

Delicious. Yummers.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Just another manic Monday.

It's moving day. Manda and I are driving to Orange to go help Jess and Jeff move into another apartment. Mind you, this is within the same apartment complex.
Fortunately, we'll be getting free food for our service hours.
Afterwards, Manda and I will head over to Champps at the Spectrum for Happy Hour and Monday Night Football! I'm not much of a football fan, but I'm willing to try it out. Usually I'll get into a sport if I immerse myself in the atmosphere. Hell, that's probably why I got into hockey.

This is going to be so much fun! Colts versus Dolphins. Who will win? Who cares? I'm all for a good time, baby.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

We Shot The Moon/He's Not Gay @ Chain Reaction

Tonight, I am going to Chain Reaction with my brother and my friend, Brandon in Anaheim. Originally, Brandon wanted to go see a friend's band, He's Not Gay at the venue. At the same time, my brother kept bugging me about this other band, We Shot The Moon that was playing around the same time. Turns out, after much interrogation, both bands were playing at the same venue with He's Not Gay as the opening act and We Shot The Moon as the featured act. So, I'm going with both of them to see both bands. Two bands for the price of one? Sweet.

We Shot The Moon

Chain Reaction in Anaheim, CA

Overall view of the venue inside.

i'm speechless.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

FUFriday pictures

Here are a couple pictures from last night. Courtesy of Ms. Domingo
Wokano in downtown Long Beach

Vegetable Tempura = delicious
brick wall, haha

Two vodka pineapples, please.

Songs of the night: "Down" by Jay Sean and "I gotta feeling" by Black Eyed Peas

Friday, September 18, 2009

FUFriday #2

Tonight after work, me and a couple of friends are going to try out the new sushi restraurant, Wokano in downtown Long Beach.

This makes me mouth water.

After dinner, it's time to hit up more friends and head down to 2nd Street.
I can't wait.

leader, schmeader

I don't like leaving people out.

Especially, if it's a great opportunity for them.

Being a leader kinda sucks sometimes.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wasn't meant to be

I'm reminded of a song that I found on the Internet radio,

It's called, "Not Meant To Be" by Theory Of A Deadman. The title speaks for itself, it's about two people in a relationship that simply didn't work out. As much as you try to fix the problems, they don't go away. They, whoever "they" may be, say that "it takes two to tango."

It takes two to solve a relationship problem. It takes two people to fall in love, two to work on staying in love, but only one to fall out of love. The last part is the most confusing. How does one fall out of love just like that? How does one person decide that this relationship is not enough or too much for them?

Can someone explain that to me?


On the same note, September has been unofficially declared "Break-up/Limbo" month. Not only have I indirectly witnessed a couple of break-ups involving friends of mine, but I've noticed a lot of other friends are what I would like to call, "Limbo."

I use "limbo" as a term for not knowing where you stand in a relationship. Several friends of mine are at a crossroad with another person. There are only two options they can choose from: stay or go.

Of course there are many factors that delay them from making such a drastic decision.

"I care about her, but..."
"We're always together, but he treats me like he doesn't want me half the time...."
"I act more single, but we've been in this for so long, I can't leave her..."

etc, etc...

Get it?

Judging from my last post, I would associate myself in the limbo category too. Though, I am close to making a decision soon. I'm hoping this week will open my eyes and help me move on with my life.

I'm concerned with my friends though. I'm hoping happiness will arrive and we won't have to deal with it anymore.

Seems like fall is the end of summer love...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

running on empty


That is the only word I can think of right now to describe my week. The first week of the semester usually contains me running into old college buddies from last semester, standing in the long line at the bookstore and driving an hour back home because traffic is horrendous. But, instead I sit here in the library's computer lab, wasting my life away because I wasn't able to register for a class I originally signed up for last spring. Due to certain circumstances, my classes were dropped and I was able to re-register for three out of four classes, thus the waiting to petition phase.

My last class ended at 11:40am. It is 5:05pm where I am waiting to petition for a sociology class at 6:30pm. Do I need this class? NO. Am I petitioning to fulfill my full-time status? YES. Unfortunately, the class I wanted to petition for was a communication class, which is my minor, or as of right now, my minor concentration.

With all this waiting, I doubt I'll be able to make it to happy hour with my cousins that I haven't seen for ages. I'm just too tired and cranky to do anything right now. I would rather be home, laying on my bed than sitting here.

Please understand that while some students view this as the annual "Oh, god school is starting again?" routine, I view this as the worse beginning of the semester, ever. Not only am I trying to petition classes that are way off from my original schedule, but a certain situation, or shall I say person, has surfaced.

As much as I want to indulge in the information, writing about it will just make me slightly angry yet naive and nostalgic. I have no patience for shit like that.

For the first time, in a long time, I am starting to feel like I'm 17 again. The young girl, who thought things might be going her way, who thought maybe this isn't so bad, who thought maybe I'll like feeling this way. But no. I don't feel that way. Instead of guarding my heart, I let this person re-enter my life as if we were in high school again. As if they still had the ability to make me feel the way I used to feel back then -- wanted.

But alas, feeling wanted is only a temporary feeling.

I want to say that if you can make yourself happy, then it shouldn't matter what other people think, say or do to you. But it doesn't always work that way. We all need a little acceptance in our lives, why can't it be by the one you want? What gets me, is the person we want to be accepted by. What makes this person so significant above others in your life? Is it a boyfriend? A girlfriend? Mother? Father? Boss? Best friend? What makes being accepted by one person trump others? Do we, as a society, have such low self-esteem that being accepted in a society of "fakes" is the only way to go?


Maybe I should stop being acting "real" and act "fake," that way the people I want to accept me
will see that I'm worth it.

Who am I kidding? Nothing is worth losing your dignity. Your self-worth. Your self-respect.

Do I respect myself? Hell, of course I do.


Oh, what the hell. I wrote this, whatever you want to call it, "blog", "entry", "word vomit," as a way to release my anger.

I was content with my life last week. And then you came back into my life with a message. It was that message that brought my world int a pause. How was I supposed to know that you still had the ability to make me feel vulnerable. It felt good hanging out with you, I admit. But it angered me when you didn't even bother to text me or even message me again. I'm not someone you can just throw away like I'm last night's leftovers. I'm not that girl. I'm not 17. It's been four years.

Why did you come back?

Why haven't you finished what you started?