Friday, May 29, 2009

waiting, wishing for you to STFU.

Friday - May 29th

As I am typing this, my professor is lecturing about the use of the library research ONLINE. For those who don't remember the good old days, library research used to involve actually going to the library.

A part of me reminisces those days of going to the library days before, walking down the aisle to find the book and spending you last couple of dimes xeroxing your article. Ah, those days..

Realistically, evverything is online now. You can find most articles you need online, especially through you campus library. Very convenient, I must say.

Now, we're discussing our research topics for my class. Im thinking about writing a paper on the toll roads. Personally, I think having toll roads are convenient, especially when you leave your house too late and it takes about 45 minutes to get to school. The life of a commuter is never boring.

*Blog post interrupted by the feeling of freedom, basically, class ended*


Monday, June 1st

June Gloom. Why is it I wake up expecting sunshine through my window and all I get is dreary, cloudy day. Sun, where are you?

In my previous entry located above, I had the pleasure to experience such a horrendous annoyance that made me want to pull out my hair and scream bloody murder. How does one person become such an annoyance that that person delays the lecture by 30 minutes? I would like to say that everyone, even the professor is wondering the same thing.

We don't care that you're trying to make a point, we don't care that you think the Los Angeles Times view themselves as more regional than national, we just.don' PERIOD.

I do respect the fact that this person is particpates and it does lead into interesting and thought-provoking conversation, but it gets out of hand when everyone is wondering when we're going to have a break. Unfortunately, we sit in a circle with our desks, so it's difficult for me to stand up and walk across the room without being the center of interruption.

Oh the joys of summer session.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hurray! Today was a day of good cheer and happiness. I would like to congratulate my friends, who had the courage to walk this morning despite the fact that it was cloudy and they couldn't see little ole me next to the right speaker (and when I say, "speaker" I meant the sound system).

The idea of graduation is to acknowledge those who have completed their education, despite how many years it took them (I'm just finishing up my fifth year). In elementary and middle school, the term "promotion" is used when they make the transition from elementary to middle, and middle to high school. High school and college are the exceptions.

Graduating from high school is the rite of passage for young adults, who believe once they have completed high school they have the freedom to do as they please. Sure, you think that now, but you slowly regret when you find out you might need a college degree to get most of the "big kids jobs" today. I mean, think about it! Some seasoned pros are getting the boot because young adults like us have degrees and the willingness to earn lower pay just so we can get a job in this god-forsaken economy. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Receiving a college degree is pretty much the ultimate. Once you get that degree, it feels like you really completed your education. Getting your master's and/or your Ph.D are optional. I like to think that getting your bachelor's should be a requirement and getting the higher degrees are optional.

Oh wait, it kinda already is.

After attending this year's graduation for the College of Liberal Arts, I've come to realize that most of the people I've witnessed walking to get their "degree," are still coming back next semster. Why, you may ask? Usually, you have one semester left and you might as well walk the spring before or you just don't have the time to next spring because you already planned your trip to Europe around that time. If only I can wish for the latter.

I took a couple pictures showcasing the ceremony, which I will post later. (I feel like I postpone certain parts of my entry to later dates...Hmm, I hope this won't be a habit.)

Word of advice, or shall I say, a phrase of advice: "C's make degrees, but they don't get you a job."


Also, what occurred today was my brother's award ceremony. Unlike me, he is graduating this year from high school.

You ever get that feeling when you look at a younger sibling and you realize, "Whoa, you're graduating HIGH SCHOOL?! Weren't you five, like, yesterday?"

It resonates in my mind from time to time. It was weird this evening, watching the ceremony. I whispered to my mother that most of these kids were born in 1991 and that I felt old.

Bah, I hope they are the future, or else we're screwed. I know, I know, I'm am sooo encouraging. Heh.

As for his award ceremony, it was mostly him receiving his cord to wear at graduation and his fellow classmates had funny superlatives for everyone. His award had something to do with a hockey team.

Yeah, I really don't know...


Last night in my first blog, I mentioned discussing AE. All I can really say about last night was customers pretty much suck.

I mean, why do you buy so many things, just to return them and screw us over? I mean, are you trying to ruin our day? Imagine this, the night is already going slow, we use this to do mark downs and then in the corner of my eye, I see a customer with an AE large bag FILLED. I walkie the manager, stating that someone is about to do a return. Routinely, we ask every customer if they want to exchange instead, half the time they're in a hurry and just want their money back.

Tonight was no exception.

Not only did she return practically her whole purchase, it turned out she had three online orders with about eight bathing suits, a couple tube tops, a pair of pants and three bras.


Ugh, I almost threw the hangers at her. I'm not violent, really.

Advice for all customers, don't buy in huge quantities. You're not only going to screw yourself over, but you're gonna screw us over. Oh, and try to return at a bigger store. Our store doesn't exactly make enough money to give you your money back just because your daughters wear 34 AA and it STILL doesn't fit.

I work at AE tomorrow night and I was asked, more like requested to do some painting at the store.

It's a long story, that I would prefer not to get into.

Have a good night,

My best thinking..

Usually, I do my best thinking in the shower, but today I decided to do my best thinking while I was at my job. Where do I work, you may ask? Why, I work at American Eagle, of course. The idea of starting a blog was just that - an idea. I had no idea that I was going to end up creating this blog until about 20 minutes ago. I wanted to create a blog to put my thoughts, ideas and anything relating to AE onto a site that I knew I would frequent. Believe or not, I am not the most tech-savvy, but many people like to think so. I may frequent the social networking sites, such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, but that doesn't mean I'm a freakin' genius. Though, I like people to think I am. ^__^

But as I mentioned above, I am a Sales Associate at American Eagle Outfitters, American Eagle or AE, for short. *Tangent* If there are any grammar errors in this blog, please excuse me. I am attempting to strengthen my skills in writing, which means there may be a an error or two in each entry. Once again, I apologize. Don't bug out on me, mmkay?

Let's try this again: I've been a Sales Associate at AE for about two and a half years now. You'd think I'd be a key holder or something for being there so long, but due to school and other various activities that I'm involved in, my availability is not exactly the best. But one thing is for sure, no matter how unavailable I am, I ALWAYS get my hours. Teehee.

Just to make this as simple as possible, this blog will be a test. A test to see how long I can keep a blog about something I know. I am attempting to write in this at least once a day or at least have a entry after every shift. I figure stories about the day in the life of an AE employee may be something of interest to some, or maybe not. Who knows?

I need to sleep. I shall talk about what happened earlier tonight tomorrow.
