Sunday, November 29, 2009

too many mind.

Even though it took me this long to realize what people have been saying, I know now that I need to stop this feeling.

I've become relient on this "happy feeling". But what's so different about this "happy feeling," is how it's making me become sadder.

She was right; I'm not the same person before this happened. I used to be carefree yet focused on my tasks. Now? I'm more worried abomy actions and unfocused on my priorities.

"Why make someone a priority when they only make you an option?"

I feel like I've become an option, or at least, someone easily forgotten at the moment.

This feeling of mine has been lingering for quite sometime and it needs to STOP. NOW. Before I go crazy and ruin everything I've worked for.

All I want is to be happy...but not this way.

Goodbye love, I'll see you when I see you.

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