Sunday, November 29, 2009

too many mind.

Even though it took me this long to realize what people have been saying, I know now that I need to stop this feeling.

I've become relient on this "happy feeling". But what's so different about this "happy feeling," is how it's making me become sadder.

She was right; I'm not the same person before this happened. I used to be carefree yet focused on my tasks. Now? I'm more worried abomy actions and unfocused on my priorities.

"Why make someone a priority when they only make you an option?"

I feel like I've become an option, or at least, someone easily forgotten at the moment.

This feeling of mine has been lingering for quite sometime and it needs to STOP. NOW. Before I go crazy and ruin everything I've worked for.

All I want is to be happy...but not this way.

Goodbye love, I'll see you when I see you.


I found this on someone's blog:

"I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you."

I hope I never have to say that.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I'm baaaaaaaack! San Diego was AMAZING. So much fun and so many sessions that have me motivated to take on the PR world when I graduate.

I am missing something, or in this case, someone.

Le sigh.

If only.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Gone to San Diego!

So, I'm off to San Diego for the 2009 PRSSA National Conference. I've been waiting for this weekend since March. Haha. Can't wait to get out of Orange County for the next couple of days and bond with my executive board. The best part about conference is seeing old friends and making new friends. God, I love PRSSA.

2008 PRSSA National Conference in Detroit, MI. Brrrrrr, it was chilly. Not the kind of weather this California girl is used to having. ;]

If you want to know the happenings of the conference, or simply, just want to know what the heck I'm doing, you can follow my tweets or you can follow the CSU Long Beach PRSSA tweets.

See you on Tuesday!

photo courtesy of

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday, Monday.

Okay, I get it. I haven't written in this blog since, what? My birthday? Yeesh. It's been an extremely busy couple of weeks. PRSSA, school and work along with my so-called "social life" have taken over my blogging responsibilities. While I enjoy the idea of blogging everyday, the motivation to actually do it is at a low. Yes, there are times where I feel the need to write this down and capture the moment in words, but sometimes I'm not near a computer to do such a thing. I'll try my best to bring this blogging up. Until then, I hope you can be patient with me.

But here's some good news though: I have an interview with Leader Enterprises at 11 a.m., which I am nervous, but more importantly, really excited about. I've known about this agency since Marc Altieri came into my Principles of Public Relations to speak about working at an agency. He's a CSULB alum, so that mesmerized me even more. Want to know an interesting fact about him? His brother, Mike Altieri, happens to the Vice president of Communications at the Los Angeles Kings.

:O <-- that's my "wow" face. Haha.

Aside from my interview, I have a PRSSA meeting on Tuesday with the ever-so-popular topic, Entertainment PR. Our guest speaker is Candice Han, who I have known for quite a while now. She speaks in a way, where you can easily relate to her and she doesn't seem intimidating. Another plus is that she is a CSULB alum too! (I'm starting to see a trend here...)

But the most exciting part of this week? NATIONAL CONFERENCE!! Four more days, and my executive board and I will be in sunny (let's hope..) San Diego! I will be attending the conference with over 80 chapters from across the nation. Networking, attending sessions and workshops, socials, everything is going on this weekend! I'll be making new friends while connecting with old friends. A mini-vacation with my executive board. Unfortunately, I wished more members from our chapter went, but a deadline is a deadline. And I really wish Sheena went with us and our e-board trip to Conference will be complete! Oh, well..there's always National Assembly in March. :)