Tuesday, July 7, 2009

my to-do list.

Things I need to achieve by the end of summer:

1. Get a facial
2. Go to more baseball games
3. Run more
4. Take advantage of my new swimsuit and go to the pool
5. Go to the fair
6. Travel more (i.e. SAN FRANCISCO)
7. Get a 2nd job
8. Prep for my organization
9. Visit people before our friendship fades
10. Finish The Fountainhead
11. Start Atlas Shrugged
12. Watch Transformers, Harry Potter and other summer movies
13. Go to the beach more
14. Clean my room
15. Sell my clothes and what ever I can not sell, donate to charity
16. Try to maintain a consistant sleep schedule
17. Let go of people and things that are fading (refer to #9)
18. Take more picures
19. Blog more
20. JUST RELAX and enjoy what is left of summer.

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