Tuesday, June 8, 2010

All good things must come to an end

So much has happened since I've last blogged. I graduated, I finished my internship, I'm no longer PRSSA President and I broke up with my boyfriend. Yeah, the last one was actually the shocker, according to some people. But personally, after looking back, it seems to me that maybe it's good to end my college career on that note. Though the whole boyfriend "thing" only lasted like a month. lol.

I would like to think that my motivation to blog is kind of like a relationship -- it's very on-and-off. Maybe I have short attention span, or maybe, I'm just really lazy. As this is a personal blog, I'm not required to really write in it unless for some reason I was being graded on this, or someone is magically going to pay me for blogging. I do realize by blogging, it will help me in my career, which needs to start, like NOW.

Yesterday, my mom FINALLY told me I needed to get a "real" job. I've been researching and there are some jobs, that I feel I am qualified for, but the cover letter kills me. I'm not a fan and the only time I've written a cover letter was for a class. Either than that, I've never really written a cover letter for my last two internships. My resume, in my opinion, looks great by the way. Took me a couple hours at the computer lab at school to re-format and re-word everything.

Here's hoping I get the job(s).