Monday, August 10, 2009

Take a chance (on me)

Little Business Man
Originally uploaded by SCSSAPICS
Every once in a while, I turn to Pandora for my listening pleasures. When Gwen Stefani's "What You Waiting For?" came on, I couldn't help, but listen to the lyrics and I realized it was "speaking"to me.

Songs have a way to do that to you when you least expect it. When you're feeling down and that perfect song helps deal with the emotions stuck inside you or when you feel angry and the lyrics to a song calm you down.

Gwen Stefani's "What You Waiting For?" was the song for me. The hook for the song is quite simple:

What you waiting
What you waiting
What you waiting
What you waiting
What you waiting for

Tick-tock, tick-tock
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Take a chance you stupid hoe

Now, I can tell you she's very blunt when she's encouraging you to take a chance, but I related to it. The past few weeks, I'vebeen delaying my chance to apply for the ultimate internship. A Community Relations Internship with a prestigious basketball organization. I had exactly one month to apply once I returned from Hawaii. And what did I do?


Well, not just nothing. I did start the application, I just didn't finish it. I had the chance to complete this application, I had the chance to be interviewed, I had CHANCES. And I did NOTHING. I ended up waiting until the last minute to start the application and once midnight rolled araound, the application I was working on disappeared. You can imagine the heartbreak I felt when I couldn't complete the application. COMPLETE devastation.

It's a lesson learned. Don't wait until the last minute to finally take a chance on something you truly want, especially whe you have all the time in the world. And in this case, I had a month.

It's time to grow up.